First stop - Cerisi & Kiddy Palace! We tried few shoes (with sounds) for Vio, and finally pi chose the army style from Kiddy Palace. Vio was quite happy that his new shoe has got "sound" if he steps on it. Hopefully it'll make him want to walk more. And while in Kiddy Palace with so many cute caps around..
Haha.. but Vio always don't like wearing caps..
And here's the new shoeeee chosen by daddy for Vio..
[caption id="attachment_555" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Vio's New Shoe"]

[caption id="attachment_556" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Is my new shoe nice nice?"]

And.. as mentioned above, pi needs to go for a hair cut. So we went to EC House. It was quite nicely renovated and the place was clean too. Just as I wanted to snap some photos of pi getting his haircut, the hairdresser was saying that can't take photos there.. aiyoh.. :( nvm, i still have my other supermodel to take photos of. He was eating biscuits while waiting for daddy's haircut.
[caption id="attachment_557" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="at EC House"]

Oh my, look at those cheeks! Don't you just feel like pinching and kissing them? Ooooh... how i feel like kissing my baby now...
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