Yesterday I took the Yummy Scrummy class, which is a mini album class using Fancy Pants Mixed-Media album. Initially I'm not too sure whether or not I should join, but I have a $35 class voucher expiring end of the month, and I felt like joining a class. But when I saw the sample, it seems so simple that I'm not sure whether or not to join it. But well, in the end I did, and I'm glad I did!
Yeah the project itself was quite simple to do, but I had fun doing it. Learnt some new technique: painting the chipboard and do glitter embossing. That's the 2 things I won't do at home, coz it's messy messy messy... ^^
Just to share, this is the front cover of the sample album... Mine will be about the same, just without the stitching.. I'll be too lazy to stitch.. hahahaa... My album will be used for Vio's 1st bday party album.. so will be 2 more months before I upload my finished "product"
[caption id="attachment_830" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Yummy front cover & messy sb table"]

And talking about classes, few weeks back, when I was at laines registering for this class, I overheard an ang-moh asking the cashier: "Can I register my maid for classes?" I was like... "huh?!?!?!" and thinking... why don't you register me instead?? haha.. that's one very lucky maid hor?
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