Yippy... Yesterday (29 Oct 2009) was Baby and Mommy's day out! As usual, I took leave since it was the 29th of the month, to spend time with Vio. Yesterday Vio is turning to 10 months old! Gosh, how time flies...
Anyway, I've made apptment with Dena and Iggy to meet at Paragon, Orchard. Vio was excited coz I've been telling him for few days that we're going out! It was my first time bringing Vio out by myself, so was quite scared, but there must be the first for everything right? ;) To make things easier, I use the baby carrier given by Dena to carry Vio in front, so I can still load the bag and the stroller to the taxi.. And... there were no taxi... At least we waited for about 15 - 20 mins before finally I waved to a taxi opposite the street, and he made a U-turn to pick us up! Gosh, that was a long wait! And I almost walk to the taxi stand in the MRT! Anyway, during the waiting taxi period, Vio was so happy, he can look at me and
Reaching Paragon, Dena and Iggy haven't reached yet, so I decided to go Metro first. While waiting for the lift, Vio was sooo friendly to another baby on the stroller that he goes forward to touch her.. hahaa... And that baby was shy shy.. kekekekke... Despite taking the lift, apparently I went to the wrong floor.. so in the end I still need to use the escalator to go up inside the Metro itself.. It was my first time pushing the stroller in the escalator
with Vio inside.. But luckily, it was quite easy apparently...
When Dena and Iggy reached, Iggy was shy shy to see Vio and he cried... oohhh... :'( while Vio was just staring at him, maybe thinking:
why is koko Iggy crying? Hehehe.. Anyway, we finally decided to have our lunch at Fish&Co.. and Vio & Iggy was seated at the baby chair. They were so happy that they also got a menu! They were busy playing with the menu and by playing, it includes throwing it around...
[caption id="attachment_422" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="I'm all smile"]

And they're also busy taking stuff from the table, including the next table's stuff! Wow.. I think the
ang-moh at the next table choose the wrong table..
[caption id="attachment_423" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Hmm.. I wonder what next table has.."]

During the lunch, Vio ate banana and small pieces of carrot and my Philadelphia fish with cheese.. he loooooooves it that he opens his mouth big big.. But anyway of course I don't give him too many... Vio was also getting "friendly" to Koko Iggy and he
pinched the top of Koko Iggy's eyes..
ouch! Koko Iggy cried.. Aiyo why is Vio too "friendly"... hehehe.. Vio was so happy too even though he was only sitting there, he kept smiling to Auntie Dena..
[caption id="attachment_424" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="I want the helicopter too.."]

After lunch, we brought the babies to the Kids floor, where there are few kids rides and a small playground. Vio & Iggy rode the Thomas & friends Carousel, and the mummies following the carousel going around to hold the babies until we feel @_@. I'm sure both of us look so funny going round and round the carousel... But apparently the carousel ride was not long enuff for Iggy as he cried as soon as it stops spinning... while Vio, as usual, just putting up his blur face... -_- But he looks happy to play it!
[caption id="attachment_425" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Woah hoo.."]

[caption id="attachment_426" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Having fun with Thomas"]

[caption id="attachment_427" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Koko Iggy so stylo.."]

After the Thomas & friends, the babies played the jeep with 2 steers.. so each baby can have 1 steer.. once seated in, wow, Iggy was soooo excited to turn and turn the steer, even wanting to snatch Vio's steer, while Vio was acting as the boss, turn the steer a bit and that's all.. Ah well, Vio wants to be a big boss when he grows up! So he doesn't need to be the one behind the steer right? Lol..
After satisfied playing with the jeep, we proceed to the playground! And I found out that Vio can climb the stairs by himself! Isn't it amazing... Soo proud of him!
After all the plays, our babies were tired.. Originally Dena & me wanted to bring them to ION Orchard to see the lights there, but on the way there, both babies were asleep in the stroller! So I decided to go home by MRT (since Vio is sleeping anyway, and I need to wait til he wakes up if I wanna take cab). Surprisingly, he was sleeping so soundly, such that even 1 hour+ later, after I reached home, he was still sleeping, despite the noisy sound in MRT.. He must be so tired. But anyway, he looked so happy that day that I made a little promise to myself to bring him out more often ;)