This little santa here wants to wish everyone a ..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
[caption id="attachment_923" align="aligncenter" width="266" caption="Little Santa"]

Enjoying the little things in life
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Oh wow.. seems like quite long time since I last posted updates on my scrapbook layouts hor.. Yeah lately getting busy to create layouts and cards for Aimee Creation, but of course, in between I can still squeeze few layouts for my personal one! :)
This is actually only half of the Baptism LO, but the other half is not done yet!
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Keke.. yeah this LO is for our 2nd wedding anniversary.. ^^
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Is there any relationship between getting hair cut (to army style) and getting much naughtier? Pi & I observed that right after Vio get his haircut, he starts to be muuuucccchhh naughtier...
Yeah it's quite impossible to control him now.. If he wants something, he'll struggle til he get it.. And difficult for us to forbid him, unless we distract him with something else. But of course this method doesn't last long as he got better memory now. He can remember what he wanted initially!
If we try to forbid him from going somewhere/getting the thing he wants, he'll be upset and cry loudly and throwing his body backward.. wah.. so small can throw tantrums liao hor!
Good thing is, lately he keep wanting to learn walking.. That's a great news! But of course, bad news for our back side.. So tiring to bend and help him walk around..
Over the weekend, we brought him to IMM again to play. He was so happy to play the cars that go round and round.. And I have to follow him go round and round and round until @_@
[caption id="attachment_883" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="The Little Driver"][/caption]
And it's near to Christmas already! So the mall was decorated with some christmas trees... Oh yeah we're planning to go Orchard on the 20th to bring Vio see the lights.. He must be excited to see so many lights!
[caption id="attachment_884" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Oh Christmas Tree.."][/caption]
After few hours in IMM, Vio starts to get tired and be super cranky.. Not happy to sit in stroller, not happy to be carried.. He want to walk... But IMM was so crowded that day that it's difficult to let him walk.. Oh-oh.. I guess going out with Vio won't be so easy liao from now onwards..