15 March 2010

Busy Busy Boy

Now that he can walk rather stable, Vio loves to go around the house here and there, for almost the whole day. Sometimes he'll bring balls around, or any other objects that he was playing, such as bottles, bowls, plates..

[caption id="attachment_1090" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Here and there"]Here and there[/caption]

The positive side is... we don't have to keep following him super closely (as what we were doing before), as he can more or less keep his balance rather well. Even if he fell down, it will be to sitting position, and after that, he'll say "jatohhhhh".... Hmm.. seems like most of his words dictionary are from Indonesian language hor? He choose to say "jatuh" instead of "fall down" or "die dao".. Another word is... "bobo" instead of "sleep" or "shui jiao"..

But actually he can understand all 3 languages! If we ask him (in any of the 3 language) to do things, he understands them, and will normally do as told.... kekekekee... for example:

  • It's so hot... Can you help to turn on the fan please?

  • Can you put the dirty clothes in the pail please?

  • Can you throw this rubbish please?

  • Can you bring the keys outside please?

Isn't he a smart boy...

[caption id="attachment_1092" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Walk walk.. Here and there.."]Walk walk.. Here and there..[/caption]


wie said...

wah blur...kaya susah yah ngambil foto nya..hehhee
masih nagih nih..want to see more and more another picturessss...
so cute n clever...send my big hug, cuddle and kissess from me...tx na ^_^

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