It all started in the morning when pi & I brought him to his PD for his overdue injection. (He should've been injected on 18 months old, and now he's already 19.5 months!). It all started happy, and he was happily playing with the toys inside the PD's room, until the time where the injection was coming.
Vio has never like being pinned down. But we must pinned him down in the bed facing down, trying to stop him from moving. The nurse this time round has changed, the previous one was far more friendly to Vio, she'll try to play for few moments with Vio to familiarize him. But this one just shows up during time of injection, and directly hold Vio down. Vio, of course, while seeing a total new stranger holding him, cried incontrollably.
The nurse was saying "wah, this boy is very strong ya.." and we're trying to console (and hold Vio), while Vio kept crying out loud "mommy!! mommy!!" It's like he wanted to say: "mommy! help me!!"
I doubt Vio actually feel any pain on the injection at all, maybe he was too focused on trying to be free such that he didn't feel the needle poking thru. Anyway he was happy that it was over, and afterwards the doctor gave him oral immunisation that he loves a lot.. hahaa...
Afterwards we went home and Vio had his afternoon nap..
After Vio woke up, we decided to bring him to Jurong Point and the library to return and borrow some more books. I was busy choosing the DVDs that we'll borrow for Vio when suddenly I heard Vio crying. And after sometime the cry still didn't stop.. When I go and see what happen... oh dear! Vio has fell down and his forehead knock into one of the shelf! The cut was small but it looks quite deep... Must be very very painful... *sob sob* my poor little baby...
We quickly bring him to Jurong Medical Center (which was located just next to the library), but it was apparently closed. Aiyo... how can such an important place close on weekends!! It's a mistery I can never know why... Tsk tsk.. of all the days, I'd thought that Sat and Sun will have more patients coming in!
So we brought him to Guardian instead to buy some antiseptic cream.. The pharmacist gave us alcohol swab to wipe thru the wound. I was skeptical, knowing that must be very painful. But then, a little bit pain will be better compared to an infection, right? So I wipe it thru once... and... "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" yeah yeah.. he screamed at the loudest... *sigh* poor little boy..... There goes our plan for dinner outside... we quickly went home so Vio can rest..
[caption id="attachment_1553" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Oh dear.. the cut must've been painful!"]

ouch! hope the cut will heal soon!
can I link your blog to mine? thanks! :)
nobit.. ada blog baru yah ^^ hehe yeah sure u can link ur blog to mine... i also wanna link my blog to urs :D
muka tetep nakal... dah sembuh lom? long time no chat n hear his voice...
hahahaha udah sembuh dong sekaraaaaanggg ^^
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