... And few days before the competition, they called me to confirm that Vio is in the competition! Hoho.. I was so excited.. It's Vio's first ever competition, after all..
So the competition day was last Saturday (31 July 2010). We're supposed to register on 11am. Thanks to the high difficulty in getting cabs nowadays, we're a bit late... and... Vio was sleeping... so in the end, I asked for Vio to be put in the next next next round. He was so sound asleep! Can't possibly wake him up, eh? ;) So while waiting for Vio to wakeup, pi&I had lunch and walk around the mall.
1.5 hours later, Vio finally wake up! He had his lunch (Yoshinoya, which he loves).. And we registered him in time for round 6! Yay...
[caption id="attachment_1528" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mommy & Vio before competition"]

In each round, there are 4 babies competing. And different from what's specified in the advertisement, the rounds are veeeeerrry easy (and with no balls.. sigh). I think the rounds mentioned in the advertisement are for older babies group.. Vio still belongs to the younger babies group..
First round... is CRAWLING round.. yeap yeap you read it right... the babies are supposed to crawl (no walking/running) to the finish line. On every round, only 1 parent can help the baby, while the other will be busy taking photos...
So the first round starts, and... somewhere nearing the finish line, Vio suddenly stop crawling and "observe" other babies.. Wahahahaa... He's a real observer.. So in the end, he finish it last...
The 2nd round was pushing a pushwalker to the finish line. It was quite an attractive one with some balls on top of it. Vio loves to turn turn turn the ball (and me busy trying to stop him and make him move forward)... As a result, he also finish the 2nd round last.....
[caption id="attachment_1529" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Round 2"]

It's time for round 3 now! In this round, the babies are supposed to go through a tunnel, then there will be 3 ducks ahead, in which they must put the duck one by one to the bucket. So they must go to-and-fro the bucket 3 times (because there were 3 ducks).
[caption id="attachment_1530" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Round 3"]

Vio was rather excited to see the tunnel.. (Quite surprisingly.. because previously I'd think he'll be scared of the tunnel. But I trained him at home liao with a pretend "tunnel"). So he dashes thru the tunnel rather quickly, and throw the first two ducks to the bucket rather fast. However, going to the 3rd duck, he was interested with his neighbour's duck that he keep wanting to take it for himself.. and... as a result... he finishes round 3 last too.. Wahahahahaa...
We've thought that it's impossible for Vio to be selected for finals. But unexpectedly, later that afternoon, I received a call from the committee, saying that Vio was selected into the final. Wow, quite surprised to hear that.. Maybe other babies in other rounds are taking even longer time to complete the rounds, eh?
But in the end, we decided not to go to the final round. One reason was the place was quite far from home. 2nd reason was the prizes are not interesting... and 3rd reason was... Vio can't possibly win the competition.. He prefers to "observe" ppl mah.. hehehehee... Anyway, glad that Vio has joined the competition. Feel good that we've exposed him to something "new" ;)
you and your yoshinoya tsk tsk tsk :p
btw, baby goes for baby triathlon also needs training? never thought of that kekeke...
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