So last Friday we went to a gynae. I've decided not to go to my previous Gynae (Dr Adelina Wong) because not so satisfied with her during the delivery itself. From all the raves in the internet, I wanted to try Dr Joycelyn Wong, which have very very good review in the internet. Surprisingly when I call the clinic, the 1st available appointment date is 21 September. 21 SEPTEMBER!! My goodness, it's 1 month from now. Tsk tsk tsk.. and it's not even a Saturday! So finally decided to go to Dr Eunice Chua, which was my ex-colleague's gynae, and also have many good reviews in the internet.
So we (pi, Vio, and me) went on Friday, ready to wait for at least 1 hour before seeing the gynae. (Normally we'd have to wait about 1 hour). Surprisingly, that day not many people in the clinic. Maybe also because it's a weekday where most people are working. We waited only for 5 minutes before seeing the doctor.
She is a very nice lady (which has 5 kids, btw). And she asked many questions that I somehow feel are more sincere compared to the previous gynae I went to. (My old gynae will be very efficient, so your time inside the office will be very short). When she did the ultrasound, there was nothing much shown in the screen. Apparently the baby is still too small, and my bladder is not full enough. But she said I'm definitely pregnant, because there's the water bag in the right place.
And then she offered whether I want to do internal scan. And of course, I frowned. No one would want something poking thru, right? So in the end, she told me to drink lots of water and wait until the bladder is super super full.
So we went out and I drink sooooo much water (I'm sure must be more than 10 cups!) until I feel sick and want to vomit out the water already. Then we wait wait wait wait... After 20 mins, we went in again, and... the bladder still not full enough... Sigh... So we wait again for another 10-20 minutes....
And finally finally finally! We can see something in the screen!
[caption id="attachment_1604" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Week 6"]

Oh oh yeah that's my baby... though it looks more like a bean now.. And only 0.56 cm long. I can see the heart beat. And the gynae also try to let me hear the heart beat. I think I heard a little bit... Though not very clear. Now that reminds me, my old gynae didn't offer me to hear the heart beat at all! Tsk tsk tsk....
Oh yeah.. the due date now is 18 April 2011. :)