So you can imagine how excited I was when I saw that there will be Barney show in United Square. And the timing was just nice too... Right after the detail scan last Saturday. I told Vio in the morning that we're going to see Barney show that day. And you know what.. during the whole journey (going from home, inside the taxi, while waiting for detail scan.. and also while going inside for the detail scan) Vio kept saying "See Barney! See Barney!".. Wah he so can't wait! Haha..
So after the detail scan, we walked to United Square, reached there around 12:40 pm (the show is supposed to start at 1pm). And woooooowwwwww.... the number of kids already sitting down in front of the stage was amaaaaazzziingggg!! There must be LOADS of Barney's fans in Singapore yeah... The place was so packed that people can't enter into the area already. We quickly find a good place to stand to watch the show. Sadly, all good places were already taken. So we stood on the side, with view to the stage a bit covered by speakers. But that's better than nothing ya ;)
And while waiting for the show to start, we walked around the area and saw loottss of Barney theme items sold there. It's quite rare to see lots of Barney's items at the same time..
[caption id="attachment_1852" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Kissed by Big Barney"]

[caption id="attachment_1853" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Can I bring all home?"]

And then.. the show began...
[caption id="attachment_1854" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Barney & Friends"]

When first seeing Barney came out, Vio was excited and he screamed "Big Barney!" However halfway thru the show, he seems to half lost interest in watching. Maybe it's not so comfortable coz he can't sit down and enjoy the show. Daddy must carry him throughout the show.
We also videotaped part of the show. And now, he likes to watch it very much. He'll call out "Big Barney! Big Barney!" again when he watches the show again. Hehee.. I think overall, he quite like the show ;)
Oh and before going home, Vio also posed with picture of Barney & Friends!
[caption id="attachment_1855" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Barney & Me"]

di tivi bukan nya ada yah na?
ada sih, tapi kan liat langsung ama liat di tv beda dong experiencenya :p
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