The party started at 4pm. So at 4pm, we started waking Vio up from his noon nap (after 2.5 hours of sleeping), just so that we don't reach there so late. Once he's awake, we started preparing and told him that we're going off to Allen's bday party. But.. we forgot to tell him that there will be many people there.
Once reaching the door, Vio seems to be surprised at the no of ppl already inside (though it's not that much), and he refused to come in! Sigh.. we spent a good 5-10 mins just to entice him to enter the house...
[caption id="attachment_1876" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="I don't wanna go in.."]

.. and another 5-10 mins to entice him to sit down with other babies... He seemed overwhelmed by the no of people he's not familiar with. Lesson learnt: for the other birthday party next week, we must tell Vio beforehand that there will be loooooottsss of uncles and aunties there. Haha...
Oh the activity of the day was finger painting! Surprisingly though, unlike other kids, Vio didn't seem interested to do painting at all that day. Though at home he normally looks quite interested. Maybe he still feel "shocked" from meeting many unfamiliar people ya...
[caption id="attachment_1877" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Finger Painting"]

In the end, he mostly play with the balls while painting, instead of doing the painting itself. Haha..
After sometime, Vio started getting used to the ambience and joining other kids in climbing the sofa and staring at the busy happenings outside (read: looking at MRT and buses passing by)
[caption id="attachment_1878" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Playgroup Kids & Teacher"]

The party was great.. The food was good... and the kids were happy (with the many snacks and goodies distributed in the party).. I hope Vio's bday party will be as merry! :)
[caption id="attachment_1879" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Moms & Babes"]

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