I just got my dream machine! I have been eyeing this machine for much more than a year now. It's a digital cutting machine. Basically it can cut any template/picture you have in your computer. It can even cut fonts already installed in your computer. Imagine! I can cut as many letters as I want to in whatever sizes, without worrying some letters are gonna finish soon! And better still.. It can work together with a printer, to print design using normal printer, and after that cut it using this digital cutter. How cool is that!
[caption id="attachment_1889" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Silhouette SD"]

Upon hearing there's 1 shop in SG selling at 25% off this month and with some freebies, I was so happy! Too bad it was only for members... But since I was quite active in this scrapbooking forum, surely some of them are members in that shop. True enough, someone nice from the forum (that I never met before) was more than willing to help me get it. So we went down together yesterday and get the machine. That lady is just so nice :)
And my review about this product so far? Once I'm home, I can't wait to install the software and this machine. Luckily Vio was asleep, so I got time to play around with it. And... it was aweeeeeeeeeesssssoooooomeeeee... I love it! Cutting and making boxes are such a breeze. I also tried cutting intricate design small christmas trees, and the cutting was just perfect! All I can say now is that I'm in love.. Hahaa :D
sounds so cool!
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