Last week we went to a birthday party and a wedding. Both on the same day! This is actually our first time bringing Vio to a wedding dinner reception (the sit-down style). We're kinda worried that he can't sit still during the dinner (with the waiting time and all), so we brought LOTS of toys to entertain him. But before going to the wedding dinner, here are some snapshots taken during the birthday party.
[caption id="attachment_1897" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Throwing the ball inside"]

[caption id="attachment_1898" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Vio & Caelia"]

Too bad we need to leave the birthday party early, coz we need to go to the wedding dinner. We missed the cake cutting! Sigh..
Oh yeah, the wedding dinner was at Marina Bay Sands. This would be our first time going there too! Too bad we didn't have time to go to the skypark. Would love to see it someday!
And did Vio make a fuss during the wedding dinner?
[caption id="attachment_1899" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Vio & The Chopsticks"]

Surprisingly not! He was too happy playing with chopsticks and plates and glass, making his own music! In the end, the only toys we gave him was only a book!
Oh... if I haven't mentioned.. there were fondue served while waiting for the reception room to be opened. And.. the strawberry was deliiiciousssss... It was so nice that Vio kept asking for somemore strawberry. I wonder what type of strawberry that is. I seldom eat strawberries that nice :)
Oh, before going home, we took photo of the night view from one of the balcony. It was nice! :)
[caption id="attachment_1900" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Night View from MBS"]

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