Well, mostly mentioned because he seems to have a looooooot of toys that Vio also want to have, such as bicycle, balls, little tikes ride-on car that the child can sit inside and drive, etc. Everytime he brought something to the playground, my MIL would mention to me that Vio wants to play it too.
Since they're going back China, they were giving away the toys and stuff. Sadly.... when they start giving away the bicycle etc (that Vio loves, btw), my MIL wasn't going to the playground, because of my FIL passed away around that time. So... we missed the good stuff..
But, we're still getting the A-B-C mat, small balls for mandi bola, and small chair for Vio.
[caption id="attachment_1007" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Little Boss on Little Chair"]

I hope my MIL (and Vio) can find more new friends in the playground!
ada bos warteg nih!!!
I love all the pics...any new scrap na?
hmm ada sih wiee.. tapi lagi males upload2 nih.. nanti aja deh kalo elo dateng lagi baru liat2.. hauhauhaua..
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