Yes! Finally we cut Vio's hair, the one thing that's been mentioned for dunno how many weeks but keep getting delayed.. kekekeke... Our little baby now is BOTAK again!
[caption id="attachment_195" align="aligncenter" width="341" caption="Side View"]

Unlike the first haircut, in this hair cut Vio cried LOUDLY. He got really scared by the sound of the machine I think... poor vio keep crying starting from middle of the process til finish.. When the person just started shaving his head, he's still smiling, not realizing what she was doing... after that he started SCREAMING..
Oh! On Saturday (1 day before we cut Vio's hair), we went to Jurong Point with him! It's really really seldom we bring him out (except to the park and Jurong Lake park). We were out for about 2.5 hours, but Vio was already exhausted so he's sleeping on the way home. Have I mentioned that it was the first time Vio was taking MRT? ;)
[caption id="attachment_196" align="aligncenter" width="270" caption="ready to go"]

Wah... Daddy looks very tall! Vio wants to be as tall as daddddyyy... ^-^
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