From outside, the place is not really "promising" as it's GREEN color.. but surprisingly, the food was quite ok (very good for that price actually), and the best part is the drink was free flow.. kekekek.. so we kept going to the drink bar to take drinks in our chit-chat session! We took quite a no of photos, but I HOPE I can get the photos soon.. the photos are still in allie's camera and i doubt so she'll remember the get it out soon.. I haven't even got the photos from our christmas photoshoot lor.. Christmas!! and now is already July! wahahaha..
Oh finally I got the photos.. here it goes..
[caption id="attachment_177" align="aligncenter" width="510" caption="4 of us"]

Another happy thing happening on weekend... pi and i booked our package to genting! i'm sooooooooo happy we're going holiday (yeah even though it's only to genting) coz i thought that it would be years before we can go holiday again :D we'll be going on 12th aug 2009 night, so need to take 2 days leave.. which reminds me.. i haven't applied for leave yet! ok let me apply for it first before i forgot again..
OK, now I've applied for the leave.. kekekeke... back to the story of my wonderful weekend.. We brought Vio to the park, and just found out that there's a LOT of things to play in the playground! First time we went there.. and sadly we didn't bring any camera.. I hope next week we can go there again for a photoshooting session.. hahaa.. We played quite a lot of thing there. I even played "swing". It's been ages since I "ride" on it =p
Vio's feet is getting stronger each day.. he loves to stand up now, and still loves to kick! He's also getting taller (I feel). He's the same height as a 1 year+ boy we met at the park who's already running around! haha..
[caption id="attachment_168" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Stand Up Straight!"]

Vio also loves to mumble a lot this weekend.. His favorite sound is now "eeeehh".. and he also loves to laugh.. Look at how cute he looks!
[caption id="attachment_169" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Hee hee"]

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