For the journey, there are 2 cars. We're joining my parent's car. During the journey, Vio suddenly say "ee".. which means he wanna poo-poo! Oh wow.. and I've asked him few times that morning to poo-poo but he refuse to. And in the middle of the road, he said that he wanna poo-poo.. -_- So we stop in one of the car-stop and go to the toilet... And reaching the toilet, Vio just refused to squat and do his business! Guess he's not used to poo in public toilet. After many minutes of struggling, we finally gave up and return to the car, in which Vio start to say "ee" again. Then I said that he can just poo in his diapers then we'll clean it. Thankfully though, he didn't poo in his diapers. He waited until we're in the hotel! hoho..
The journey itself was 2 hours plus (luckily didn't have traffic jam). We stopped in a restaurant for meal (I can't remember what's the restaurant name). Anyway, the food takes decades to come, but luckily there are kids playground inside the restaurant, though it seems quite run down.
[caption id="attachment_1763" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Waiting for our food"]

[caption id="attachment_1764" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Cousins"]

Vio seems to like the above thing so much. Now that I think of it, I can't seem to remember seeing it in Singapore before. And I like to ride on it when I was a little girl too :p
Reaching the hotel, it was about 12pm. Sadly it was too early for checking-in. So... we decided to go to Taman Safari first. On the way to Taman Safari, there were rows of stalls selling bunches of carrots. Apparently we can feed the animals in Safari carrots! (It's been a very long time since I last went to Safari. So I almost can't remember a thing). We bought a few bunches, and Vio was excited to see it. He thoughts that he can eat the carrots -_-
In the Taman Safari, we'll use our own cars to drive thru a lot of animals, and while on the way, we can feed them. It's quite nice, actually. Looking at how the animals eat from sooo near (you can even see their teeth!). Some animals seems like can't see well, so they're based on nose to find food. And they will sniff sniff your car's glass window to know where the food is, and some even left their marks on the window: their saliva! Yucks....
Oh yeah, Vio also feed the animals few times (holding on the carrots from the car, while the animals grabbing it from car window). (Too bad I still haven't got all the photos yet... It would've to wait for another 2 weeks :( )
Some parts of Taman Safari put lots of notice of where the windows shouldn't be opened, and people aren't allowed to go out of the car. Obviously, this was where the tigers and lions are. The lions were basically can walk around beside the cars, so it's very dangerous for people to walk around, especially if the lions were happened to be hungry.....
At the end of the the journey, we went to some sort of theme park which is still part of Taman Safari... and Vio was scared to see elephant.. maybe the size was too big.
We went to watch the cowboy show which was quite good, but waaayyy toooo LOUD. Practically the whole show, pi & I was busy hugging scared Vio and covering his ears at the same time. After the cowboy show, we watched motorbike show which was very scary. 5 motorbikes run around a globe in very high speed! Tsk tsk tsk... 1 second of miscalculation and we can wave bye bye to all 5 motorists... Highly dangerous...
Afterwards, we wanted to watch the dolphin show, but then.... it begins to rain... *sigh* so, we decided to end our journey there and went to the hotel.
The hotel room was much nicer than expected. We booked the bungalow type, and it was big, with comfy big bed and big bathroom. At first we thought that the exhaust wasn't working, so we opened the window a little bit so it's not stuffy inside. Apparently the exhaust was working after all, but we forgot to close the windows, and..... the next morning, Vio had 3 mosquito bites on his face... Ohh.. my poor baby got bitten by mosquito again...
The next morning, by 6am it was already bright outside. We're out of the room by 6:30am, and it was surprisingly hot! The sun was shining very brightly. And I thought that it's supposed to be a cool area (I've already put on jacket and long pants for Vio hahaa). We let the kids play in the playground for a while (There were many photos... but as mentioned, I haven't get it yet...) and then we bathe and have our breakfast.
[caption id="attachment_1765" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="In The Hotel"]

Have I mentioned that the fried rice in the breakfast was YUMMY YUMMY?? I've tried many stalls in Jakarta, hoping to find that nice Indonesian fried rice, but to no avail. And there I was, finally get to eat the nice fried rice that I want to! It was just so nice I keep taking it again. A little bit spicy, just the way I like it. Wahahaha..
Hmm.. anyway, after breakfast, we laze around the hotel, and after that it's time to go back. On the way, we stop by Cimory to buy some snacks and of course, their famous milk products! (I just remembered that I still have some yoghurt and milk left in the fridge in Jakarta.. *sigh* how I wish I can bring them here.. hahaa)
And that's the end of our trip to Puncak...
kok gak bisa muncul yah foto nya?
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