Basically our days in Jakarta was full of malls. Jakarta has maaaaaannnnyyy malls, each day we're going to a different one, and there are many new malls that we haven't got chance to step into yet!
First day, we brought Vio to Taman Anggrek (TA), which I haven't visited for years. Surprisingly, it still looks the same as when I went there years ago. We went to Timezone, and let Vio (and pi) tried out Bom-Bom Car!
[caption id="attachment_1754" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Vio & Daddy in Bom-bom Car"]

... which Vio was apparently very afraid of (coz someone bumped to their car), and so Vio stopped just few minutes after the session has started. And that left pi alone playing bom-bom car in the midst of kids! Haha.. That sure looks fun... It's been a while since I last play bom-bom car myself :p
After that, we let Vio play basketball game (still inside Timezone), and of course he enjoys this one a lot.
[caption id="attachment_1755" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="I love basketball!"]

And while at home... Vio spent most of his time playing with Koko Marcell and Cici Cheryll. As mentioned before, with Cici Cheryll, it was mostly pushing pink-color baby pram around the house (luckily Cheryll have 2 of them), while with Koko Marcell, Vio mostly was playing ball!
[caption id="attachment_1756" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Vio, Marcell, and Cheryll"]

Marcell was very nice to Vio, accompanying him play (for example: Vio love this hammering toy that Marcell has, and Marcell will pull out the pins for Vio to hammer), but he was very "naughty" to his sister. Just love to purposely make her cry. Haha..
Cheryll, as mentioned before, love to snatch toys from Vio. On the last few days, we can see that Vio's getting more possessive on the things he's holding on to, so it doesn't get snatched by Cheryll. Haha! Nevertheless, they enjoyed playing together. No bad memories remembered whatsoever :p
[caption id="attachment_1757" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Sharing a Chair"]

When Vio wakes up in the morning, the first word he said wasn't "Daddy" or "Mommy", but "Koko Marcell?" or "Cici Cheryll?" instead. *sigh* He just can't wait to play with them again!
I love this photo of Vio taken on 1 morning when he just woke up:
[caption id="attachment_1758" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Big Laundry"]

Oh... and just to mention... when we're in Jakarta, 1 of my close-friends during high school just happen to give birth to a beautiful baby girl! So one of the days we visited her in the hospital (and have a small reunion). Paiseh to say that I didn't even know she was pregnant -_- That shows how long we haven't been in contact with each other haha..
[caption id="attachment_1759" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Small Reunion"]

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