09 November 2010

Craft Session - Fish

We had our very own first craft session during the long weekend!

Actually it's pretty simple. The materials used were only paper plates, glue, marker, and crayon.

[caption id="attachment_1783" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Fish In Progress"]Fish In Progress[/caption]

Obviously, Vio was looking at me cutting the paper plates and draw the fish eyes. He then helped me with the gluing of the tails, and of course, the fun part: decorating the fish with his crayons!

He was quite excited to do it, though he seems more interested to continue his work of art in the bigger "canvas": the floor, which is his favorite "canvas" so far.

And here's Vio, proud with his new fish masterpiece:

[caption id="attachment_1784" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Proud with my new fish"]Proud with my new fish[/caption]


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