Ouch! Vio has had his first sprain!
It was first noticeable on midnight. Every 1-2 hours, he'll wake up from his sleep, crying and screaming.. Didn't want milk and didn't let us touch his left arm. Poor boy.. He didn't get enough sleep that night coz he kept waking up thru the night. Oh.. and he didn't seem to want to move his left arm. It's just hanging near to his body, and we can't touch it. He also had a slight fever..
The next morning, he's back to his normal cheerful self (seems like he didn't remember the bad last night's sleep). He's still using his left arm for simple task (carry something light, take something that he wants).. But when it comes to climbing to bed, and carry or do heavier stuff, he didn't seem to want to use his left arm. And he also pointed to his left wrist and say "painful"...
So we brought him to the doctor. The normal paediatrician that we went to wasn't opened that day. Luckily there's another clinic called "Kinderclinic" near to his normal paediatrician. Though the name is Kinderclinic, the doctor is actually a GP. He's a friendly Indian doctor (and seems like all of the patients are Indians too!). I had expected Vio to be crying out loud when the doctor wants to check on him. Vio normally hates strangers to touch him... But surprise surprise! Vio was very calm that day! He let the doctor take his temperature, check on his body, press his arms here and there to see where's the sprain.. And he just sat there obediently. But he did almost cry coz it's a bit painful.
The doctor said it's not serious.. A bit of something that's a little bit dislocated in the elbow area (and seems like already put back to normal by the doctor). And Vio can still lift and spin his hand to all directions like normal. It will recover by itself.
Phew.. that's such a good news to hear. Hope that he'll be back to normal soon. But in the meantime, there's no playing in the playground for Vio..
27 January 2011
24 January 2011
Water Play
Vio has always been excited upon hearing "play water". Last weekend, we told him that we'll bring him to play water in Vivocity. He was so excited.. And his memory is getting better and better lately. All along the way to Vivocity, he'll turn to us and ask "Play water?" every few minutes.. haha.. it's like he wanted to double-triple confirm that we're really going to bring him play water.
[caption id="attachment_1997" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="This tunnel looks interesting.."]
[caption id="attachment_1998" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="KICK!!"]
[caption id="attachment_1999" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="So Happy!"]
He played for about half an hour or so. Oh well, of course he's all totally drenched. It's like he fell down into a swimming pool with his full clothes on.. Hehe.. But we came fully prepared with towel and new clothes for changing :D
At the end of it, Vio kept asking for "somemore? somemore?" when we asked him to stop playing water.. After many rounds of asking, we can finally bring him to stop playing and changed. And then after finish changing, he found a nice spot to sit down and pose for the camera..
[caption id="attachment_2000" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Smileee.."]
[caption id="attachment_1997" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="This tunnel looks interesting.."]

[caption id="attachment_1998" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="KICK!!"]

[caption id="attachment_1999" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="So Happy!"]

He played for about half an hour or so. Oh well, of course he's all totally drenched. It's like he fell down into a swimming pool with his full clothes on.. Hehe.. But we came fully prepared with towel and new clothes for changing :D
At the end of it, Vio kept asking for "somemore? somemore?" when we asked him to stop playing water.. After many rounds of asking, we can finally bring him to stop playing and changed. And then after finish changing, he found a nice spot to sit down and pose for the camera..
[caption id="attachment_2000" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Smileee.."]

19 January 2011
Vio & His Pokemon Hat
It's been a while since Vio last put on a hat.
One Sunday morning, Vio (as usual) rejected to start eating the breakfast of the day. Just so happened that we were reading his new Toy Story book, and when the page that we're reading have Mr Potato Head picture on it (complete with the hat and the moustache), I asked whether he wanna have moustache like Mr Potato Head? He can have moustache while eating his noodle breakfast! And off he ran to the dining table! Wahaha! And of course, since Mr Potato Head wears a hat, Vio must wear one too.
[caption id="attachment_1993" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Look at My Cute Hat!"]
[caption id="attachment_1994" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Cheeeeeseeeee.."]
Oh well, of course it's not the same hat. But I think this is the only hat that can still fit Vio's head now (other than daddy's hat, of course...)
But still... Vio ate quite lots of noodle that morning! (To imitate Mr Potato Head's moustache). Yayyyy.... I guess I must thank Mr Potato Head! :)
One Sunday morning, Vio (as usual) rejected to start eating the breakfast of the day. Just so happened that we were reading his new Toy Story book, and when the page that we're reading have Mr Potato Head picture on it (complete with the hat and the moustache), I asked whether he wanna have moustache like Mr Potato Head? He can have moustache while eating his noodle breakfast! And off he ran to the dining table! Wahaha! And of course, since Mr Potato Head wears a hat, Vio must wear one too.
[caption id="attachment_1993" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Look at My Cute Hat!"]

[caption id="attachment_1994" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Cheeeeeseeeee.."]

Oh well, of course it's not the same hat. But I think this is the only hat that can still fit Vio's head now (other than daddy's hat, of course...)
But still... Vio ate quite lots of noodle that morning! (To imitate Mr Potato Head's moustache). Yayyyy.... I guess I must thank Mr Potato Head! :)
When You Got Nothing Better To Do...
Sometimes, out of the blue, Vio will just strike a pose, smile, and say: "Camera!" Hoho... He's asking mommy to take photo of him! That shows how much he likes to pose in front of camera.. wahaha.. :D
These series of photos are just one of those times..
[caption id="attachment_1987" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Teach me how to do "Peace"!"]
[caption id="attachment_1988" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Nyam nyam with Daddy"]
[caption id="attachment_1989" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Peaceeeee..."]
These series of photos are just one of those times..
[caption id="attachment_1987" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Teach me how to do "Peace"!"]

[caption id="attachment_1988" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Nyam nyam with Daddy"]

[caption id="attachment_1989" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Peaceeeee..."]

17 January 2011
Week 26 - Small Bump?
Well, everybody's been commenting how small my bump looks for someone who's 6 months pregnant.. So I'm kinda feeling a bit low-esteem.. And also kinda "scared" that I don't gain enough... So at times I'll actually "force" myself to eat something, though I'm not really hungry, and maybe it can make my bump looks a bit bigger? Haha..
For this pregnancy, I don't really fancy eating. Nothing seems to be interesting for me to eat.. (Unlike last time, when everything seems so good to eat). Now I eat just because I have to eat, not because I want to eat..
Anyway... I just went for a check-up, and apparently I'm gaining enough! Even the gynae said it's more than enough. And the baby's now weighing a little bit more than 1 kg.. Wow that's fast.... The gynae commented that if the baby keeps growing this fast, she might be born bigger than Vio.. oops.. Ah, on the positive side, that shows that bump size is not important, isn't it? :D As long as the baby's growing healthy and steadily..
[caption id="attachment_1983" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Week 26"]
Hm... Not sure if you can catch a glimpse of the baby in the ultrasound pic above?? (Hint: it's in the top left, and showing one of the eyes, nose, and mouth). It's actually not as nice as the pic I saw on the day itself. We saw the baby's sleeping, with mouth a little bit opened. And the way she opened the mouth, it's just like Vio while sleeping! So cuteee.. Maybe they'll have the same mouth shape? Heheheee...
3 more months to go! (Wow, that's kinda soon... And I haven't really bought anything for her! Should start shopping soon..)
For this pregnancy, I don't really fancy eating. Nothing seems to be interesting for me to eat.. (Unlike last time, when everything seems so good to eat). Now I eat just because I have to eat, not because I want to eat..
Anyway... I just went for a check-up, and apparently I'm gaining enough! Even the gynae said it's more than enough. And the baby's now weighing a little bit more than 1 kg.. Wow that's fast.... The gynae commented that if the baby keeps growing this fast, she might be born bigger than Vio.. oops.. Ah, on the positive side, that shows that bump size is not important, isn't it? :D As long as the baby's growing healthy and steadily..
[caption id="attachment_1983" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Week 26"]

Hm... Not sure if you can catch a glimpse of the baby in the ultrasound pic above?? (Hint: it's in the top left, and showing one of the eyes, nose, and mouth). It's actually not as nice as the pic I saw on the day itself. We saw the baby's sleeping, with mouth a little bit opened. And the way she opened the mouth, it's just like Vio while sleeping! So cuteee.. Maybe they'll have the same mouth shape? Heheheee...
3 more months to go! (Wow, that's kinda soon... And I haven't really bought anything for her! Should start shopping soon..)
13 January 2011
New Valentine Cards
Just an announcement: new Valentine's Day cards have been uploaded! Be sure to check them out at http://aimee-creation.blogspot.com!
Here's a preview..
[caption id="attachment_1976" align="aligncenter" width="211" caption="HC-009a"]
[caption id="attachment_1977" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="HC-010a"]
[caption id="attachment_1978" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="HC-011a"]
[caption id="attachment_1979" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="HC-012a"]
Here's a preview..
[caption id="attachment_1976" align="aligncenter" width="211" caption="HC-009a"]

[caption id="attachment_1977" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="HC-010a"]

[caption id="attachment_1978" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="HC-011a"]

[caption id="attachment_1979" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="HC-012a"]

Vio's 2nd Week of School
Just an update on how Vio is doing on his 2nd week of school.. This week, the parents/caretakers can no longer accompany the kids in the class. They would have to wait outside the class.
Yesterday I happened to be on MC. So I decided to send Vio to the playgroup while on the way to see the doctor. And how did it go?
Nearing the school, Vio start to pull my pants and drag me further, crying "Don't want sekolah... don't want sekolah.." Oops, yeah he likes to mix languages now... In the end I had to carry him (while he's crying and struggling) inside the door, and sit there for a while accompanying him reading a book (with ball picture inside. Lucky thing he instantly stopped crying after looking at ball picture). But everytime I ask whether he wants to go inside the classroom, he'll grab me tight and say "don't want"...
And then all the kids go to the classroom one by one (some are crying and some are not), and the teacher came to get Vio, and "WAAAAAAAAAA..." he struggled and cried sooo loud.. Makes me feel rather worried... But amazingly, once inside the classroom, his cry instantly stopped and he was busy playing the toys.. Forgetting all about mommy :p Well, I hope it's a good sign....
And the teacher mentioned that the day before, Vio was doing ok (not crying much while going to school)... Maybe it's because I'm the one sending him to school, he cried louder? Hmmm... Hopefully the crying session will be over soon, and Vio can joyfully go to the class all by himself..
Yesterday I happened to be on MC. So I decided to send Vio to the playgroup while on the way to see the doctor. And how did it go?
Nearing the school, Vio start to pull my pants and drag me further, crying "Don't want sekolah... don't want sekolah.." Oops, yeah he likes to mix languages now... In the end I had to carry him (while he's crying and struggling) inside the door, and sit there for a while accompanying him reading a book (with ball picture inside. Lucky thing he instantly stopped crying after looking at ball picture). But everytime I ask whether he wants to go inside the classroom, he'll grab me tight and say "don't want"...
And then all the kids go to the classroom one by one (some are crying and some are not), and the teacher came to get Vio, and "WAAAAAAAAAA..." he struggled and cried sooo loud.. Makes me feel rather worried... But amazingly, once inside the classroom, his cry instantly stopped and he was busy playing the toys.. Forgetting all about mommy :p Well, I hope it's a good sign....
And the teacher mentioned that the day before, Vio was doing ok (not crying much while going to school)... Maybe it's because I'm the one sending him to school, he cried louder? Hmmm... Hopefully the crying session will be over soon, and Vio can joyfully go to the class all by himself..
10 January 2011
Invitations were sent out...
[caption id="attachment_1942" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Invitations"]
And the cake was ready...
[caption id="attachment_1944" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Vio's Bday Cakes"]
Yeah you're right. It's time for party!
(Pssstt.. while we're at it.. The cake stand was DIY, and I'm feeling kinda proud of the end result.. Haha!)
And here's the birthday boy, ready to greet the guests..
[caption id="attachment_1945" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Before Everyone's Here.."]
[caption id="attachment_1946" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Smile for the camera"]
And here's some snapshots of the party.. During the party, Vio was rather shy and prefer to "hide" somewhere far away from the crowd. Though occassionally he's also playing in the crowd.
[caption id="attachment_1948" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Vio & Benedict"]
[caption id="attachment_1951" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Happy Bday from Caelia"]
[caption id="attachment_1954" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Adults Section"]
[caption id="attachment_1955" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mommies & Kids Section"]
[caption id="attachment_1957" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Ufffggh.. So Heavy!"]
[caption id="attachment_1947" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Savio & Celestine"]
And then... it's cake cutting time!
[caption id="attachment_1962" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Ready to blow.."]
[caption id="attachment_1963" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Crying Star of the Day"]
Uh-oh.. Why is Vio's crying?? Apparently he's shocked because all of a sudden, everybody crowd around him, smiling and clapping while singing "Happy Birthday" song loudly.. Everybody was stunned... And in the end, Vio was led away from the party scene.. Hiding in the kitchen, while mommy blew the candle off.. Ah well, luckily he recovers after few moments, and rejoin the crowd again.
After cake-cutting and eating, luckily the rain stops, so we proceeded to Promenade @ Jurong Lake Park for bubble fun time for the little ones (and those who are young at heart).. The weather was nice and windy.. and everyone's having fun!
[caption id="attachment_1964" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Blow, Sherwin.. Blow.."]
[caption id="attachment_1965" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Hm.. Where's My Bubble?"]
[caption id="attachment_1966" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Can I eat this?"]
[caption id="attachment_1967" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Blowing with all my might"]
[caption id="attachment_1968" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Rowen: Sigh.. I wish I can join the fun too.."]
[caption id="attachment_1969" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Enjoying The Moments.."]
And I just love this photo below... It shows (almost) all the kids sitting in lines for the photo! Quite amazed that all of them can sit still in the same place at the same time! (though only for very short period).
[caption id="attachment_1970" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toddlers in line"]
Overall, it was quite a great time. Everything was according to plan (no major hiccups, other than the star-of-the-day-crying-during-cake-cutting.. hehe..). I certainly hope that everybody had a great time. Thank you for all who had come to celebrate Vio's 2nd birthday! :)
[caption id="attachment_1942" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Invitations"]

And the cake was ready...
[caption id="attachment_1944" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Vio's Bday Cakes"]

Yeah you're right. It's time for party!
(Pssstt.. while we're at it.. The cake stand was DIY, and I'm feeling kinda proud of the end result.. Haha!)
And here's the birthday boy, ready to greet the guests..
[caption id="attachment_1945" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Before Everyone's Here.."]

[caption id="attachment_1946" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Smile for the camera"]

And here's some snapshots of the party.. During the party, Vio was rather shy and prefer to "hide" somewhere far away from the crowd. Though occassionally he's also playing in the crowd.
[caption id="attachment_1948" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Vio & Benedict"]

[caption id="attachment_1951" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Happy Bday from Caelia"]

[caption id="attachment_1954" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Adults Section"]

[caption id="attachment_1955" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mommies & Kids Section"]

[caption id="attachment_1957" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Ufffggh.. So Heavy!"]

[caption id="attachment_1947" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Savio & Celestine"]

And then... it's cake cutting time!
[caption id="attachment_1962" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Ready to blow.."]

[caption id="attachment_1963" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Crying Star of the Day"]

Uh-oh.. Why is Vio's crying?? Apparently he's shocked because all of a sudden, everybody crowd around him, smiling and clapping while singing "Happy Birthday" song loudly.. Everybody was stunned... And in the end, Vio was led away from the party scene.. Hiding in the kitchen, while mommy blew the candle off.. Ah well, luckily he recovers after few moments, and rejoin the crowd again.
After cake-cutting and eating, luckily the rain stops, so we proceeded to Promenade @ Jurong Lake Park for bubble fun time for the little ones (and those who are young at heart).. The weather was nice and windy.. and everyone's having fun!
[caption id="attachment_1964" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Blow, Sherwin.. Blow.."]

[caption id="attachment_1965" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Hm.. Where's My Bubble?"]

[caption id="attachment_1966" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Can I eat this?"]

[caption id="attachment_1967" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Blowing with all my might"]

[caption id="attachment_1968" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Rowen: Sigh.. I wish I can join the fun too.."]

[caption id="attachment_1969" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Enjoying The Moments.."]

And I just love this photo below... It shows (almost) all the kids sitting in lines for the photo! Quite amazed that all of them can sit still in the same place at the same time! (though only for very short period).
[caption id="attachment_1970" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Toddlers in line"]

Overall, it was quite a great time. Everything was according to plan (no major hiccups, other than the star-of-the-day-crying-during-cake-cutting.. hehe..). I certainly hope that everybody had a great time. Thank you for all who had come to celebrate Vio's 2nd birthday! :)
06 January 2011
School Time!
Oh my.. oh my... sometimes I really wonder.. where does the time go??
Within the blink of an eye, our little baby is now 2 years old, and is all ready to go to school! We've signed him to join Apple Tree playgroup, which is located just opposite our block. It's a 2-hour daily programme. I just hope that Vio can enjoy playing there with his new friends, and not be as shy as before! We were worried at how will Vio react to new environments, new schedules, and new people....
So here's how the first day goes. Before going to school: photo taking session at home!
[caption id="attachment_1934" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Mommy & Me"]
[caption id="attachment_1935" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="All Set To Go!"]
For his first day, mommy accompanied Vio to school. Second day will be with Daddy, and third day onwards with Nai2. For the first week, it'll be half-accompanied, to let the children feel settled before we finally slowly letting him stay by his own in the class.
First time reaching the school, all the students were asked to sit down lined up, while the teacher calling the student's name one by one, for temperature taking. Vio's name is almost at the bottom of the list. He seemed so anxious while waiting, cannot wait for his turn to come.
The class topic for the day was "red" color. The students were shown many red objects, and was given a chance to try on some red stuff. Surprisingly, Vio was more than willing to go to the front to try out the stuff, all by himself! He's not clingy to mommy.. sooo proud of him..
[caption id="attachment_1936" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="I'm Trying Red Helmet!"]
[caption id="attachment_1937" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Singing and Dancing"]
When songs were played, Vio was one of the fastest one to start moving his body around and dance... Heheheee... He really likes music..
During the class, the children were also asked to color an apple using red crayon..
[caption id="attachment_1938" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Coloring My Apple"]
Wow, he really looked like a good student. Always paying attention to the teacher and actively participating in the class. Soooo happy... I was really worried before that Vio will be the most shy and cry-baby in the class. In the end, he didn't even shed a single tear in the class :)
And does Vio excited about going to school again? Yes, very much! When he heard the word "school", he'll be quite excited and wanna sing "Apple" song.. hehehee..
One thing we noticed though, ever since he started on his school (for the last 2 days), Vio just refused to have afternoon nap! He just wanna play and play and play even though he's tired. Maybe it's because he's too excited about his new school and friends... Hopefully he'll want to take afternoon nap today...
Within the blink of an eye, our little baby is now 2 years old, and is all ready to go to school! We've signed him to join Apple Tree playgroup, which is located just opposite our block. It's a 2-hour daily programme. I just hope that Vio can enjoy playing there with his new friends, and not be as shy as before! We were worried at how will Vio react to new environments, new schedules, and new people....
So here's how the first day goes. Before going to school: photo taking session at home!
[caption id="attachment_1934" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Mommy & Me"]

[caption id="attachment_1935" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="All Set To Go!"]

For his first day, mommy accompanied Vio to school. Second day will be with Daddy, and third day onwards with Nai2. For the first week, it'll be half-accompanied, to let the children feel settled before we finally slowly letting him stay by his own in the class.
First time reaching the school, all the students were asked to sit down lined up, while the teacher calling the student's name one by one, for temperature taking. Vio's name is almost at the bottom of the list. He seemed so anxious while waiting, cannot wait for his turn to come.
The class topic for the day was "red" color. The students were shown many red objects, and was given a chance to try on some red stuff. Surprisingly, Vio was more than willing to go to the front to try out the stuff, all by himself! He's not clingy to mommy.. sooo proud of him..
[caption id="attachment_1936" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="I'm Trying Red Helmet!"]

[caption id="attachment_1937" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Singing and Dancing"]

When songs were played, Vio was one of the fastest one to start moving his body around and dance... Heheheee... He really likes music..
During the class, the children were also asked to color an apple using red crayon..
[caption id="attachment_1938" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Coloring My Apple"]

Wow, he really looked like a good student. Always paying attention to the teacher and actively participating in the class. Soooo happy... I was really worried before that Vio will be the most shy and cry-baby in the class. In the end, he didn't even shed a single tear in the class :)
And does Vio excited about going to school again? Yes, very much! When he heard the word "school", he'll be quite excited and wanna sing "Apple" song.. hehehee..
One thing we noticed though, ever since he started on his school (for the last 2 days), Vio just refused to have afternoon nap! He just wanna play and play and play even though he's tired. Maybe it's because he's too excited about his new school and friends... Hopefully he'll want to take afternoon nap today...
05 January 2011
Batam, Once Again
For the last 2 days of 2010, we went to Batam (again), even though we just went there mid this year... wahahaha.. Well, it's partly bcoz I suddenly remember that I still got some unredeemed points from my hotel stay in one of the biz trip years ago. It's a good thing that the points never expire! :D So we can have a free night stay in Holiday Inn.. Sooo.. in the end, we're going to Batam! Anyway the hotel is free and the review for this resort is quite good :)
The ferry departed from HarbourFront at 07:50 AM. Wow yeah that's real early. Luckily Vio is an early bird, so getting him to get ready that early is no big fuss..
Reaching the hotel, our room was apparently not ready yet. Well, it wasn't check-in time yet. So we decided to just go around the resort first to see what's there.
[caption id="attachment_1922" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Just Walking Around"]
Vio was quite excited at the sight of water. He keep asking whether he can play with the water. Well, as much as we want to, we can't let him play that time. We got no room yet! And all the clothes and bathing things are still inside luggage! So we told him that we'll let him play later, and continue to walk around...
.... and we found the spa!
[caption id="attachment_1923" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="At the Spa Entrance"]
The spa has many good reviews, so we decided to book a session for us. But of course, we need to take turns.. Haha.. Can't possibly go at the same time... Who will look after Vio? So pi booked a session for massage, while I booked a session for facial. And while waiting for our discussion with the lady, Vio kept himself busy with the gamelan he found there.
[caption id="attachment_1925" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Ting tong ting tong"]
From here, we decided to visit the Kids Club...
[caption id="attachment_1926" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Peek A Boo!"]
Hmm... I'd say that Harris Resort's Kids Club is nicer than Holiday Inn's one. There are more things to play with, and the lady inside is chattier and livelier... There were nothing much to play with in the Kids Club, and the toys were kinda old and half-spoiled.
Luckilyyyyy... our room was ready then! All the rooms in Holiday Inn are like "suites". All have their own (rather big) living & dining room. And the bedroom is a separate room by its own. It's certainly much nicer than Harris Resort's room!
[caption id="attachment_1927" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Living & Dining Room"]
[caption id="attachment_1928" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="The Bedroom"]
And they were providing 1 hard and 1 soft pillow for each person. Wow, that's quite thoughtful :p
Keeping our promise to Vio, we quickly changed and let him play in the swimming pool. The swimming pool was much cleaner and nicer than Harris Resort's one. Vio loved it so much he didn't want to get out even though he was cold! But of course, in the end we managed to lure him out, and we were back to the room to bathe.
And then... we're starving! Inside the resort itself, there were actually 4 restaurants. Sadly, the 2 interesting ones that we want to try only open for dinner... *sigh* so we're left with Chinese restaurant or the Hotel's restaurant... So we went with the 2nd choice and seated by the poolside. Looking at the menu.... Wow! Look at that price! Fried kway teow for more than Rp 100K! Tsk!! The food was real expensive.. So we ordered something a bit special (Ayam Panggang and Nasi Rames), since they're the same price with the Fried Kway Teow!
The food was not bad, though we waited for about 20-30 mins for it.. Tsk tsk... And in the midst of eating... suddenly... Vio start to close his eyes and almost fall asleep! He fell asleep during eating! Wah.. he must be very tired ya... So we quickly brought him back to the room to have his afternoon nap..
... and we wait and we wait for him to wake up... But he didn't wanna wake up.. so in the end we miss the shuttle bus to Nagoya Hill.. But Vio looked so tired that we had no heart to wake him up. So when he woke up, we took a cab to Nagoya Hill for some shopping and dinner there. And also not forgetting.. we bought many bread for our supper and breakfast (since our room is free, it doesn't come with complimentary breakfast... aiks..). Going back to the hotel, we didn't do much other than enjoying our spa session... And that's the end of day 1...
And at 6am the next morning, TUT TUT TUT TUT... a rather loud sound woke us up (including Vio), and we were all wondering what the hell is that sound?? Apparently it came from the alarm clock that Vio played with many times the night before... And I suppose he accidentally turn on the alarm. Argghh! And after that, he just refused to sleep again... :'(
We spent the morning having breakfast and lazing around in our room... After that we let Vio played in the swimming pool again...
[caption id="attachment_1929" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Throw Water... Throw Water.."]
[caption id="attachment_1930" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Oh Look! A Floating Ball!"]
And we had our lunch at the same restaurant again, after that we bid sayonara to the hotel.. Hm... What a short holiday ya? :D
Oh a cute thing that Vio love to do in the hotel room: he likes to pick up the phone, press some numbers, and say "Hello? Yes?".. Just like adult does! Haha! That was really cute...
The ferry departed from HarbourFront at 07:50 AM. Wow yeah that's real early. Luckily Vio is an early bird, so getting him to get ready that early is no big fuss..
Reaching the hotel, our room was apparently not ready yet. Well, it wasn't check-in time yet. So we decided to just go around the resort first to see what's there.
[caption id="attachment_1922" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Just Walking Around"]

Vio was quite excited at the sight of water. He keep asking whether he can play with the water. Well, as much as we want to, we can't let him play that time. We got no room yet! And all the clothes and bathing things are still inside luggage! So we told him that we'll let him play later, and continue to walk around...
.... and we found the spa!
[caption id="attachment_1923" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="At the Spa Entrance"]

The spa has many good reviews, so we decided to book a session for us. But of course, we need to take turns.. Haha.. Can't possibly go at the same time... Who will look after Vio? So pi booked a session for massage, while I booked a session for facial. And while waiting for our discussion with the lady, Vio kept himself busy with the gamelan he found there.
[caption id="attachment_1925" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Ting tong ting tong"]

From here, we decided to visit the Kids Club...
[caption id="attachment_1926" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Peek A Boo!"]

Hmm... I'd say that Harris Resort's Kids Club is nicer than Holiday Inn's one. There are more things to play with, and the lady inside is chattier and livelier... There were nothing much to play with in the Kids Club, and the toys were kinda old and half-spoiled.
Luckilyyyyy... our room was ready then! All the rooms in Holiday Inn are like "suites". All have their own (rather big) living & dining room. And the bedroom is a separate room by its own. It's certainly much nicer than Harris Resort's room!
[caption id="attachment_1927" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Living & Dining Room"]

[caption id="attachment_1928" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="The Bedroom"]

And they were providing 1 hard and 1 soft pillow for each person. Wow, that's quite thoughtful :p
Keeping our promise to Vio, we quickly changed and let him play in the swimming pool. The swimming pool was much cleaner and nicer than Harris Resort's one. Vio loved it so much he didn't want to get out even though he was cold! But of course, in the end we managed to lure him out, and we were back to the room to bathe.
And then... we're starving! Inside the resort itself, there were actually 4 restaurants. Sadly, the 2 interesting ones that we want to try only open for dinner... *sigh* so we're left with Chinese restaurant or the Hotel's restaurant... So we went with the 2nd choice and seated by the poolside. Looking at the menu.... Wow! Look at that price! Fried kway teow for more than Rp 100K! Tsk!! The food was real expensive.. So we ordered something a bit special (Ayam Panggang and Nasi Rames), since they're the same price with the Fried Kway Teow!
The food was not bad, though we waited for about 20-30 mins for it.. Tsk tsk... And in the midst of eating... suddenly... Vio start to close his eyes and almost fall asleep! He fell asleep during eating! Wah.. he must be very tired ya... So we quickly brought him back to the room to have his afternoon nap..
... and we wait and we wait for him to wake up... But he didn't wanna wake up.. so in the end we miss the shuttle bus to Nagoya Hill.. But Vio looked so tired that we had no heart to wake him up. So when he woke up, we took a cab to Nagoya Hill for some shopping and dinner there. And also not forgetting.. we bought many bread for our supper and breakfast (since our room is free, it doesn't come with complimentary breakfast... aiks..). Going back to the hotel, we didn't do much other than enjoying our spa session... And that's the end of day 1...
And at 6am the next morning, TUT TUT TUT TUT... a rather loud sound woke us up (including Vio), and we were all wondering what the hell is that sound?? Apparently it came from the alarm clock that Vio played with many times the night before... And I suppose he accidentally turn on the alarm. Argghh! And after that, he just refused to sleep again... :'(
We spent the morning having breakfast and lazing around in our room... After that we let Vio played in the swimming pool again...
[caption id="attachment_1929" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Throw Water... Throw Water.."]

[caption id="attachment_1930" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Oh Look! A Floating Ball!"]

And we had our lunch at the same restaurant again, after that we bid sayonara to the hotel.. Hm... What a short holiday ya? :D
Oh a cute thing that Vio love to do in the hotel room: he likes to pick up the phone, press some numbers, and say "Hello? Yes?".. Just like adult does! Haha! That was really cute...
Holiday amp; Travel,
03 January 2011
Happy 2nd Bday Savio!
Our little boy is now officially 2 years old!!
We bought a small Barney cake for him...
[caption id="attachment_1909" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Barney Cake"]
And the 2 birthday boys (1 big boy and 1 small boy) posing with their birthday cake..
[caption id="attachment_1910" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="2 Birthday Boyz"]
And soon it's blow the candle time! (We actually re-take the scene for few times... because the candles were always blowed off by the wind for the first 2 times..)
[caption id="attachment_1911" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Blow the Candle!"]
And of course, not forgetting the presents! Vio was so excited to see a big present for him, and he opened the present rather fiercefully... Haha!
[caption id="attachment_1912" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="What's Inside??"]
Ooooohhh it's Thomas Train! Yeah we bought him a Thomas train set for his 2nd birthday. And he quite like it so far! He likes to on and off the switch to make Thomas (or Percy) stop or go. And he especially likes the windmill (take it out and rotate it again and again).
[caption id="attachment_1913" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Playing with My New Train"]
And not forgetting the other birthday "boy".. Vio was happily helping daddy to open his birthday gift...
[caption id="attachment_1918" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Ooohh.. It's a Bag!"]
On that day itself, the big birthday boy suggested that we go to Marina Barrage. So off we go! We've mentioned about going there for few months now, but somehow the plan always get delayed. So that day, finally we went there! It's Vio's first time going to Marina Barrage. And he was quite excited to see the waterplay there. But too bad we didn't have time to let him play in the waterplay (coz it was near to lunch time and his nap time too).. But we did promise him that we'll bring him again sometime in the future and that he can play there next time!
[caption id="attachment_1914" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Marina Barrage"]
[caption id="attachment_1915" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="A Walk with Daddy"]
Though it was mid-afternoon, it wasn't hot. It was windy and nice... and Vio enjoyed the jumping session in the rooftop!
[caption id="attachment_1916" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Jump jump jump!"]
And of course, not forgetting.. the running session too!
[caption id="attachment_1917" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Happy Boy"]
Overall it was a happy day for the 2 birthday boys ^^
We bought a small Barney cake for him...
[caption id="attachment_1909" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Barney Cake"]

And the 2 birthday boys (1 big boy and 1 small boy) posing with their birthday cake..
[caption id="attachment_1910" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="2 Birthday Boyz"]

And soon it's blow the candle time! (We actually re-take the scene for few times... because the candles were always blowed off by the wind for the first 2 times..)
[caption id="attachment_1911" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Blow the Candle!"]

And of course, not forgetting the presents! Vio was so excited to see a big present for him, and he opened the present rather fiercefully... Haha!
[caption id="attachment_1912" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="What's Inside??"]

Ooooohhh it's Thomas Train! Yeah we bought him a Thomas train set for his 2nd birthday. And he quite like it so far! He likes to on and off the switch to make Thomas (or Percy) stop or go. And he especially likes the windmill (take it out and rotate it again and again).
[caption id="attachment_1913" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Playing with My New Train"]

And not forgetting the other birthday "boy".. Vio was happily helping daddy to open his birthday gift...
[caption id="attachment_1918" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Ooohh.. It's a Bag!"]

On that day itself, the big birthday boy suggested that we go to Marina Barrage. So off we go! We've mentioned about going there for few months now, but somehow the plan always get delayed. So that day, finally we went there! It's Vio's first time going to Marina Barrage. And he was quite excited to see the waterplay there. But too bad we didn't have time to let him play in the waterplay (coz it was near to lunch time and his nap time too).. But we did promise him that we'll bring him again sometime in the future and that he can play there next time!
[caption id="attachment_1914" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Marina Barrage"]

[caption id="attachment_1915" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="A Walk with Daddy"]

Though it was mid-afternoon, it wasn't hot. It was windy and nice... and Vio enjoyed the jumping session in the rooftop!
[caption id="attachment_1916" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Jump jump jump!"]

And of course, not forgetting.. the running session too!
[caption id="attachment_1917" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Happy Boy"]

Overall it was a happy day for the 2 birthday boys ^^
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