Toybox comprised of 2 indian guys (or is it Eurasian?) that were preschool teachers for many years before they decided to establish a company providing show services for toddlers. We watched the 3:30pm show in Tanglin Mall. Actually I wanted to come earlier, but in the end can only reach there minutes before the show starts, because Vio just wake up and we can only go out after he finishes his meal.
[caption id="attachment_1364" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The show is on!"]

The show was full of singing with styles (Vio loves this part. He kept dancing when there's a song.. hahaa), and at the later part, it was story telling using soft toys. I think Vio doesn't understand this part yet, so he got a bit bored during the story telling session..
[caption id="attachment_1365" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="My Handsome Baby"]

After the show, the others wants to go to Paragon for their babies to play there. Actually I want to go also, but then it was drizzling. So I decided not to join them. Can't let Vio falling sick when we're about to go to Bali.. Yeah yeah 1 more day to go to Bali! LOL..
[caption id="attachment_1366" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Babies Day Out "Participants""]

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