Yay finally can write about Vio's birthday party! Presenting....
[caption id="attachment_949" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The Invitation"]

Based on recommendation from my sister, we booked a place at Bakmie GM, Mall Kelapa Gading, and hey, we like the place! It has a separate section for birthday functions and the decoration was not bad too.
At first we were worried that not many people will turn up, because we inform the guests (who are mainly relatives and close friends) at the very last minutes, as in few days before the party! But surprisingly, quite a lot turn up! The adults alone was >80 people. Quite many hor? ;)
[caption id="attachment_950" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Birthday Cake"]

I must say I looooove the cake.. It's just so cute!! My sister has really got an eye for cute things.. Kekekeke.. The cake was ordered from AJ Bakery. I love the designs and the cute baby pooh & friends figurine. And even the
lapis surabaya cake was nice!
[caption id="attachment_951" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Birthday Banner"]

Kwakwakwa.. What do you think of the banner? Nice or not? I designed it and it was printed near my home for only... Rp. 80,000.- ($11) Wowwww.. isn't that super cheap? Hahahaa..
The guests was quite on-time actually. At 11am, our first guests reached the place..
[caption id="attachment_952" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Our First Guests"]

And soon after, 1 by 1 guests starts to come. I lost track of who comes at which time! We were so busy entertaining the guests. Around 11:30am, the MC starts games for the kids. Some were singing birthday song for Savio, also have the guessing game, and the chair-game. It was quite fun! Well, of course Savio can only observe what's going on. I bet he has no idea it was
his birthday party! Kwa kwa kwa...
[caption id="attachment_953" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="The Birthday Boy"]

After the game, we had blowing off the candle and cutting of the cake. All the kids "
helped" us to blow the candle happily. Savio don't know how to blow candle yet. I bet he also has no idea it was
his birthday cake.. Hahaa..
[caption id="attachment_954" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Kiss from Mommy & Daddy"]

The adults (aka. pi's friends) were also playing games. They were asked to sing "Happy Birthday" song for Vio in a "
unique" way.. And by unique it means
goyang pinggul, etc, showing off their own style.. Hahahaa..
Halfway thru the event, Vio was very tired, he fall asleep! Oh dear... some guests that came late didn't get to see him while he was awake. Too bad they can't see his "
mata genit" that he kept showing off that day.. Hahahaa..
[caption id="attachment_955" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Sleeping Baby"]

And.. not forgetting the important part... Vio has maaaaaany many gifts!! There were clothes, toys, shoes, and ang-bao too. Actually quite a lot of people gave clothes, now Vio has so many new clothes I'm not sure he can finish wearing them before they're too small for him! Not so many people were giving him toys (well, not as much as I expected it to be).. so does this mean I can buy somemore toys for him? Hahahaha.. --> finding excuses to buy stuff for Vio ;)
[caption id="attachment_956" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Wow.. So many presents!"]

A cute thing was that when Cheryll saw there were so many presents, she was so happy and say "
Yayy.. kadoo..". She thought it was for her! Hahaa.. and Marcell was the most excited one to open the gifts. And Savio was just meddling around in the gift, happy to see many new things around..