Our appointment was at 9:55am on a Saturday morning. But we didn't manage to get a taxi for verrrryy long time. By the time we get one, it was already 9:55am.. Dotz.... So in the end, we're about half an hour late. Apparently that caused our turn to be put behind any people who come on time for their appointment. So they get to be seen first even though we came earlier than them.. Sob sob... In the end, we waited for about 2 hours... waaaa.. 2 hours! Haiz..
[caption id="attachment_2065" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Week 33"]

The baby now weighs 2.178 kg.. As usual, the gynae mentioned all are good.. The picture of week 31 is much clearer. In this week 33 ultrasound, the baby looked like she has very thick lips. I certainly hope not! :p
The original plan was to go Far East Plaza after seeing gynae, coz I want to redeem the BigDeal coupon that I purchased sometime back. Do you know about BigDeal? Everyday they have different deals at very good prices. Sometimes it's really interesting! Few days back, I purchased fill-all-you-can cup of yoghurt for S$3.50 only! Wow... That's really cheap.. I remember the last time I go for that kind of yoghurt, a not so big serving already cost me more than S$5!
Anyway... We've almost cancelled our plan... But luckily, in the end we still went to Far East Plaza to have lunch and yoghurt as our dessert! I filled the cup with lots of yoghurt and toppings. And I took quite some strawberry slices and mochi coz Vio likes them very much. And in the end, the cup weighs about 330gr+. And the normal price: S$0.33 for 10 gr. That means... my yoghurt should've cost more than S$10! Wow.... I hope the shopkeeper wasn't upset with me for taking so much for only S$3.50 hehheeheee... :D
The yoghurt was nicee... Vio loved it a lot too. If next time there's a deal like this again, I'll certainly buy it again! ;)
The frozen yoghurt saved the day! :-)
Jiayou for the unfinished things. You can do it!
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