The 2 things that he liked most were his yellow pushcart and his penguin bag.
One Sunday, we wanted to go to the church. And he insisted (and I mean... INSISTED) that we brought the penguin bag along. He cried rolling on the floor very loudly when we try to put the penguin bag back home. So.... that's how the penguin bag went with us...
[caption id="attachment_2055" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Waiting for the lift"]

[caption id="attachment_2056" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Proudly walking with my penguin bag"]

Oh well, as you might have guessed, once we reach the taxi, Vio refused to bring the penguin bag by himself again. Tsk! So we have to carry the penguin bag for him around that day... Tsk!!
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