Yeah, feel so refreshed now after our short weekend getaway... ^^
Early saturday morning, 4 of us (pi, me, my MIL, and vio) went to Harbour Front Center to check in to our ferry. We were supposed to check in 1 hour earlier, and our ferry was at 9:50am. There were quite a number of ppl queueing, and afterwards, we were just waiting there to board the ferry.
[caption id="attachment_1167" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Just Waiting"]

When we can finally board, there were so many people going with the same ferry as us. The queue was soooo long. And when we finally board the ferry, it was
full!! Wow.. we almost can't get seat with aircon.. Luckily someone cancel his "seat booking" for his friends so we can sit there. The ferry was supposed to take only 40 mins. But somehow, the journey is about 1 hour. And when we're almost reaching, Vio was asleep.
When we finally reached, Vio suddenly woke up (maybe due to different temperature - inside the boat has aircon, while outside it's so hot). And when he wake up, the first thing he said was "
wowwww...", looking at ferries.. LOL..
We were fetched at the ferry terminal by the hotel, and... there were so many people staying there! The queue was quite long, and while waiting for our room, Vio was greeted by the green Dino. At first he was afraid, but after sometime, he finally wants to shake Dino's hands.
[caption id="attachment_1168" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Hello, Dino!"]

After getting our room, we went down to Harris Cafe, to have our free set lunch. It was quite ok, just that I find mine was a bit too salty. But anyway, Vio ate a lottttt.. More than 10 spoons, that is, that's considered a lot for him. Hahahaaa..
After lunch, pi & I went to have a spa! Yeah, that's one of the main thing we wanna go Batam for: coz the spa there is cheaper than Singapore. Humm, not really, actually. It was $50/hour for 1 person. We were quite interested to get the 3 hour package (with floral bath etc), but of course, can't leave Vio for too long.. hahahaa... The spa place was quite nice. There's a lot of individual gazebo all covered with bamboo, very nicely decorated. But too bad, the individual gazebo is only for those taking 3 hours package. And not surprisingly, most of people going spa there are from Singapore. (I even heard 2 guys taking 3 hours LOVERS package. Hmm.. ) Anyway... since we're only taking 1 hour massage session, we have it in a standard room (not those gazebo type).
We took the Indonesian massage. Initially it was ok only, not as nice as I expected. But after few minutes, the lady started using some kind of oil to massage. Then it feels niiiiiiiccccccceeeeee.. Quite comfortable, didn't regret having a spa there.. kekekeee.. After the spa, felt a bit aching in the body, maybe the blood finally flows well.. hehehee...
After spa, we went back to the room to change and goes around the resort. It was still too hot for swimming. Of course we don't want Vio's super white and flawless skin to be burned under the sun.. LOL.. So Nai2 decided that she wanted to go for foot reflexology. While waiting for her, we brought Vio to play in Dino Kid's club inside the resort. He was happy playing theree...
[caption id="attachment_1170" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="I'm SO hairy!"]

[caption id="attachment_1171" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="pi & me"]

Just when we thought we wanna go for a swim, it was RAINING HEAVILY! Oh no... why must it be that day of all days... So we went back to our room, and pi fell asleep. (I also want, but of course Vio won't let me sleep..)
Vio was the mostttt active of all. While daddy was sleeping, he was busy playing around the room with his ball, or going in and out of the wardrobe, saying "
[caption id="attachment_1169" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Baaaa.."]

That's a good sign. I think he's happy to be
anywhere, especially in a new place, coz it means many new things to explore.. kekekekee...
After the rain looks like stops, we all change to swimsuit and goes down the swim. And we all wondering why people was just standing around the swimming pool. Apparently............. it was still drizzling, and there was a bit of lightning. So the hotel people forbid us to swim until the rain stop.. Sob sob sob sob... So while waiting for the rain to stop, we decided to go to a bowling session.
The bowling place is not as well-maintained as those in Singapore. But it was not bad la.. kekekee.. at least we can get to play.. Too bad the lightest ball was 8kg... If I remember correctly, in Singapore have 5kg one.. The 8kg ball was still too heavy for me.. Can't swing it, so I miss almost all of the pins (that is, I almost never hit anything at all..) Hahahaa!!
After the bowling session, luckily the rain has stopped! So we finally go to the swimming session. Vio was super excited, he kept screaming while playing in the water.. hahaaa.. Too bad the pool wasn't really clean... When we're swimming, almost can't see anything under the water.. Tsk tsk tsk.. I think they need to clean the pool more often..
After swimming & bath session, we went for our dinner @ the Arirang, the only other restaurant there (other than Harris Cafe). They served Korean and Japanese food. At first we had low expectations on this restaurant, coz only few people eat there. But surprisingly, the Korean and Japanese food was nice! Nicer than the ones served in Singapore, at least :p I feel like eating kimchi fried rice now.. LOL..
After dinner, Vio was soooo tired he slept within minutes of touching the bed. Don't even need to make milk at all! Wow, he must be so tired :)
The next morning, as usual Vio wake up super early (6 am Singapore time), so it means... 5 am Batam time! Tsk tsk tsk.. so we kept him entertained inside the bedroom, outside is still soooo dark. At about 7am, we went down to have breakfast, then stroll beside the swimming pool.
[caption id="attachment_1173" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Can I Swim?"]

Upon seeing swimming pool, Vio kept wanting to get in the pool again. Since the shuttle going to the ferry terminal will only go at 9am+, we finally let him have a swim for 1 more time. He's verrryy happy..
[caption id="attachment_1172" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Swim swim swim"]

The ferry going back was muuuuuuuuuuuchh longer than 40 mins.. I think it's closer to 1.5 hours.. And during the whole journey, Vio was asleep. (ouch! my hand so pain until now.. Carried him for few hours) hahaa.. he must be tired..
Overall it was a refreshing journey. We might be going there again for another weekend getaway (not so soon, though), but maybe next time, to the city area with a nice big hotel! Where there are more food choices.. LOL..