Apart from the TV, my newest and latest fan, was also misteriously dead! Don't ever buy Taiyo fan! It's only a few months old! I think it can't take the "work load" at my place, where it's always on.. kekekekek..
And.. (that's not all)... my beloved Internet (and home phone) is also misteriously not working! Arrrrrrgggggghhhhh... and btw, I've just confirmed with Singtel, since it's few days after the 2 years contract end, they're not going to replace it unless we sign a new contract! What the.... -_- such a lousy service!
So anyway... pi and I anyway were taking leave to go to Comex on 11 Sept 2009. So... we begun the day with.. cake cutting and photo taking! hehehee.. yeah haven't got the chance to cut the cake the day before as pi got class until very late..
After that we went to collect pi's GCIP cert somewhere near Amoy, and went to a complimentary 30 mins back massage from TrueSpa @ Taka. It was quite nice and relaxing! And surprisingly, not so hardselling.. Afterwards we went to have Ayam Penyet for lunch (yummy!) and finally heading off to Suntec to go to the Comex..
[caption id="attachment_289" align="aligncenter" width="289" caption="Canon Digital IXUS 100IS"]

Introducing.. my new digital camera! A bday gift from pi.. hehehehee.. I love it very much! We got it at Comex at quite a steal, as got lots of freebies: SD 16GB (I don't think I'll ever make it full!), extra battery, casing, SD card reader, and also LCD protector (that.. uhm.. I stupidly took out the wrong side....... so in the end.. it can't be used... haiz...) Aiyo, I should've asked for a tripod too as a freebie!
[caption id="attachment_290" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Samsung LE26B350"]

And just look at how pretty our new TV is! Uhm apparently it's quite difficult to find a TV smaller than 32"! We finally bought a 26" Samsung HD TV from Series 3. I don't really know what Series 3 means, but anyway the pic was great! Vio was very attracted to the new TV, and he loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He can even smile to the TV! Maybe the old TV was too small or the color not attractive enough.. Uh-oh.. is that a bad sign?? Shouldn't let him watch too much TV.. Oh yeah, we also got a new DVD player as a freebies from this TV.. not bad.. considering our DVD player is already half-way spoilt (sudden stops midway the movies, and continue after 1-2 secs..)
Other than that.. pi also bought a new LCD monitor! oooohh.. finally we have a LCD monitor! And finally the bulky old monitor will go from our house.. kekekekek... apparently all the LCD monitor nowadays are also HD ready. wow.. the pic was gooood, and pi was happy playing Marvel games with veeeeery nice graphic!
That's about all of our purchase from Comex.. spent >1k! Aiyo.. broke broke.. and.. we got 2 spa vouchers from Atos Wellness! kekekeke.. just nice hor.. can use together at the same time :D
During the weekend.. took a lot of photos and videos (HD one!) using my new camera.. kekekekek.. so far I quite like the photos.. much easier to take photos of vio, compared to using the old olympus camera.. and the videos have a very LOUD voice, with clear picture! happy happy..
[caption id="attachment_291" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Playing with daddy"]

We also went to Leo & Mereel's Wedding at Raffles Hotel. It's the first time we bring Vio to a wedding! It's a garden wedding, so can't dress him too "thick".
[caption id="attachment_292" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Savio.. Can I have your teether too?"]

Ohhh.. how cute babies look when they're together... It's the 2nd time Savio meets Koko Allen!
[caption id="attachment_293" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Savio & Allen's Family =p"]

Vio was also having fun time playing with the leaves! Oops.. Vio is not environment-friendly.. as he's 'killing' few leaves.. haha.. but he's having fun and laughing..
[caption id="attachment_294" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Playing with Leaves"]

We also just found out that Vio can understand simple instructions.. He can clap his hands when we ask him too! Amazing right? ;)
Vio also loves to play with daddy. He laughed his heart out last night, when pi pretending to cough and cough and cough. He laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.. arrgghh.. so cuuteeeeeee...
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