Drawing nearer to his birthday, Vio seems like "dreaming" of a birthday party! Especially we attended few birthday parties at the month of Dec. He asked about his party (with cake and balloons), and also he kept humming Happy Birthday song.. something along the line: Happy Birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to Vio.... LOL.. And he also said that this year, he's a big boy, no crying in the party.. Apparently he remembered that he cried on his 2nd birthday party! And the bad part is.. we haven't planned of any party for him... Well, for sure there will be birthday cakes, but only our family, no friends invited..
But in order to avoid him feeling disappointed, I planned for a small birthday party when Koko Marcell and Cici Cheryll came to Singapore! So there were only us, plus Koko Marcell and Cici Cheryll and my sister and her hubby. At least that feels more like party! And I also put in birthday banner and balloons, and of course, presents!

Thankfully, Vio was very pleased!! I can see that he looks a bit nervous, but nevertheless, HAPPY! And yes, this year he didn't cry at all!

He got lots of presents! From mommy and daddy, we bought him Marble Racing, the thing that he's been into for the last few months. And he LOVES it a lot. He played with it morning, day, and night for the next few weeks. And yet, not getting bored at it. Well, he's been watching Marble Run videos for the last few months and he loves it a lot. So I think he must be real happy that he finally has one of his own! :)
And this photo is taken on his actual birthday! The birthday boys are posing together. Vio is 3 and Daddy is 30! What a nice number! :p

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