For Day 2 of CNY, we planned to bring Vio to River Hongbao. He never went there before... And neither did I actually :p Just that there's ooonnneeeee problem...... Vio refused to take afternoon nap! *Sigh* yeah... that's still Vio's latest bad habit... It's like there's soooo many things to do and play that he just refused to take a nap, though everybody are ignoring him. Tsk!
So we decided to just go ahead and let Vio sleep in the cab... And even while in the cab, Vio still say "
Don't want sleep!" though not long after, he fall asleep while sitting straight hahaa.. He was so tired, just that he didn't want to admit it.
So reaching River Hongbao... Vio pas sleeping peacefully while we walk and push him in the stroller.. There was quite a crowd there.. and with Vio sleeping, I didn't feel like taking any photos... So in the end, we didn't have any photo of River Hongbao.. wahaha..
Still with Vio sleeping, we decided to go to the next stop: a Vegetarian Restaurant in Tj Pagar area called Whole Earth Vegetarian Restaurant. This restaurant serve peranakan food and have good raves in the internet, so we decided to try it out. But apparently, since it was CNY, everybody
must order their CNY set menu, and yeah, of course it's priced SO high! The tastes was quite ok... But I think we'd still prefer to go to Miao Yi... For half the price, we get more food and the food tastes nicer.. wahaha...
After the food, we wanted to go home... But oh wait! Vio had just woke up when we're going to eat... So from his point of view, we're just go out from the home.. No wonder he kept saying "
Don't want go home! Don't want go home!". So.. though everybody (except Vio) was already knocked out from the walking session before, we decided to walk from there to Chinatown area to let Vio see lantern. He always get so excited to see lanterns.
[caption id="attachment_2017" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="So Many Lanterns!"]

[caption id="attachment_2018" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Daddy & Me"]

And yes of course he was happy to see maaaaaaaaaaany lanterns he kept pointing and saying
"Lanterns!" along the way.. LOL... It was a tiring day (coz of all the walking) but since at the end of the day Vio looked satisfied, it was all worth it :)
Ps: On the taxi home, Vio cheerfully said to the lanterns: "Bye bye lanterns.."